It’s Been 10 Years!
It’s been 10 years, and as every business owner who first thought and dreamed about building something new knows, it is no small feat. We have built, grown, learned, laughed, failed and succeeded as a team, and as a family. It is with a joyful spirit that we share our 10 years of success and growth by looking back at where the road has taken us as well as where we hope it will lead us in the future (should the future care to hear our suggestions on the matter).
As with most businesses, it started with an idea, a skillset and the knowledge that if not now, then when. Our “founders’ garage” started in June of 2013. The IT industry at the time had several smaller, more focused vendors and their success had shown that business had grown tired of just being a number and that a more focused approach and connection with a service provider was not only sought out but relished. This is an area of focus where we at Adaptive always plan to outshine.
The end of July brought not only our first employee but our first true customer. We were in business! It was not long after this that we realized the need for a support consultant and as such another new member joined our small team, then another and another. More customers joined, and we had our first governance, risk and compliance customer early in 2014. We gained more support from Cherwell as we grew and soon, we were selling into big banking verticals with enormous success. This in turn had Cherwell provide us an Elite Partner status. We had arrived!
Soon after our newfound standing, we closed our biggest new ITSM customer, 500 seats. I can assure you; that we took a moment to celebrate, returning invigorated and energised. We have tasted the sweetness of hard-earned success, and we wanted more of it. By this point, Adaptive had offices and a dedicated, specialised team that formed the cornerstone of our achievements. However, we wanted more, this signalled the time for change. In early 2020 we introduced a new vendor in the Contract Management space, Agiloft. It was a partnership of great success and understanding right from the start and we were soon appointed the sole supplier of Agiloft for South Africa, Africa, and the Middle East. It is with this partnership that we were allowed to spread our wings, selling, and supporting not only in our continent as we signed up our first international client in Australia.
As the adage goes “Time flies when you’re having fun” and we have had just that. Success is earned and we have earned our decade in the sun with the help of our enormously talented staff, our supportive families and finally, our incredible customers. The trust and support you have placed in us as Adaptive is the spark for all we have achieved, and it is with this in mind that we pledge to always provide you with the utmost support, assistance and dedication to grow in strength.
Success is meant to be shared and celebrated and with this in mind we say, lift whatever you are drinking and Cheers! to us and you!